Route Medical&Cosmetic Export Warehouse established in 2022 under the name Route Healthcare, is a Turkish wholesaler supplying products from many of the world’s most-reputed pharmaceutical and medical device producers to its partners, located in Turkey and abroad.
As a result of its strong connections with international brands, as well as its motivated and experienced sales team that focuses on your needs and demands, Route Medical provides their customers a correct and rapid influx of information, delivering their requested products on-time and in accordance with customer’s packaging/shipment preferences. Route Medical continues to expand its product portfolio every day in light of new inquiries received from its partners all around the world. Our long-standing partnerships in Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa and Northern America have helped Route Medical to gain invaluable experience with these markets, allowing us to rapidly increase our trade volume. With the completion of a series of infrastructure investments Route Medical aspires to move its position as one of the best of the healthcare industry in Turkey by carrying its invaluable experiences gained over time in the field of medical supplies.
We are a company that brings together large factories in the domestic healthcare sector with our extensive network and connects them with our overseas customer base through contract manufacturing on a project basis.
Throughout this process, we provide support for the entire spectrum, from pricing to production, packaging, and product delivery.Globally, we conduct potential and market research for medical and pharmaceutical products, compiling reports and presenting their potentials to our own partners. As the RouteMed team, we explore global markets with leading manufacturers in the Turkish market, participating as a team in exhibitions and various meetings for collaborations.Our regulatory team works in full collaboration with the buyer company to handle the project-based registration process of local products in the country.
They prepare reports in advance to ensure that all required documents, scientific reports, and other conditions are met during the product registration process.